
Arrival Of Sasaki And Miyano Anime

Sasaki and Miyano, a Japanese manga series written by Sh Harusono, has been serialized online since the year 2016 and is available on the website of Pixiv Comics. 

Arrival Of Sasaki And Miyano Anime Does Haise Sasaki Get His Memory Back

The Media Factory has collected it into eight tanks in volumes. From January to March 2022, Studio Deen aired an anime television series adaptation. 


This anime is about boys’ love, meaning love affairs between two boys. This manga deals with the modern problem of a society: love between two boys. 

Characters In This Anime :

Shmei Sasaki: This character is one of the main characters in this anime, and she is voiced in Japanese by Yusuke Shirai and dubbed in English by Kellen Goff.

Yoshikazu Miyano:-This character is another lead character in this anime and is voiced by Soma Saito in Japanese and dubbed in English by Joshua Waters. 

Taiga Hirano: A supporting character voiced in Japanese by Yoshitsugu Matsuoka and dubbed in English by Brandon McInnis.

Jir Ogasawara: This character is voiced in Japanese by Yki Ono and dubbed in English by Jonah Scott.

Masato Hanzawa:-Voiced by Yuma Uchida in Japanese

Tasuku Kuresawa: Ryhei Arai voices this character, who is dubbed into English by Kayleigh McKee.

Gonsabur Tashiro: Mitsuhiro Ichiki voices this character, who is dubbed in English by Y. Chang.

Storyline Connecting To Miyano

Miyano’s first year is covered in the first book, which spans February through January. Miyano watches as

]Kuresawa, a classmate and friend of Miyano’s, and many other students get into a brawl, which Miyano sees. 


He is too terrified to intervene, so he asks for help on his phone, where Sasaki, a second-year student,

intervenes to settle the dispute. The second book spans Miyano’s first year, from February through April, when he begins his second year.

Sasaki continues to lend Miyano his BL comics, which he is confronted about by his friend Ogasawara.

Miyano is concerned that his friends will tease Sasaki for reading BL, and he is undecided about how he feels about the matter.

The third volume covers everything based on Miyano’s second year starting from May to July. In this,

Sasaki tells Miyona about his feelings and how much he likes him, and after that, Sasaki tries to keep his relationship with Miyona safe. 

The fourth book, on the other hand, covers Miyano’s second year, from July to October. Miyano is picked

to compete in the school’s cultural festival cross-dressing contest to represent his class. Though he is still hesitant at first, he observes that he is less concerned about his girlish appearance. 

While Sasaki battles his insecurities and waits patiently for Miyano’s response, his understanding of his affections toward his upperclassman appears.

And so on. This manga is all about the relationship between these two characters, Sasaki and Miyona. This story involves all the ups and downs in their relationship. 

Seasonal Anime Release Date

One of these anime, “Sasaki and Miyona,” premiered in March 2022, and season 2 is rumored to premiere in 2023.


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