The new episode of Chapter 84 is here. Positively Yours is going to make your leisure time fun-filled with all the fresh, exciting twists coming soon. The audience of Positively Yours waited for a long time to catch the episodes of the series. However, from the makers’ side, no final announcement is there till now. It is predicted that the fans will need to keep some more patience.
‘Positively Yours’ Chapter 84 Season 2 Release Date & More
The story of Jun-Seo and Byeo-Ri truly captivated millions to watch the series every day without a miss. Hence, every viewer of the show is super-excited at the name of Season 2 with the chance to meet these buddies again.
We dug up some more information for you about the newest chapter going to hit your screens after some temporary break.
Chapter 84 Will Mark New Beginning
In the last chapter of 83, the audience felt a deep connection with the characters of Kang and Jang. The two shared some romantic and sizzling moments that also drove the viewers to a world of love for some time.
The unforgettable moments let Jang Tae Woo forget all the questions coming to mind about Kang. When Kang called her at night, she was very nervous and predicted whether Kang Se Hyun was in any danger. However, the reality was totally different as Kang had only the intention to spend some special moments with Jang.
The two experienced some fabulous moments while spending the night together. This portrayed that the confusion between the two was over, and they were happily a couple yet again.
However, the other girl could not stand the closeness of Jang and Kang when they came to the campus. The whole chapter was based on the romance and cute mimics of the couple.
But will that persist for long? This was one of the questions that arose in the mind of most of the audience as the story came to an end. They were extremely happy to learn that the two would go for another interesting date the following day. So, the makers ended the chapter with many apprehensions that something highly thrilling would come.
Chapter 84 will indeed mark a new beginning in their relationship. Positively Yours showed only the side stories in most of the episodes of recent times. The last story dealt with Se Hyun. Of course, the sequel will not come up now, but it will definitely return with loads of excitement.
Final Release of Chapter 84
The date of the new chapter is not finalized yet. However, there is a hint that you might get to see Jun and Byeo this time. For more updates, please keep on checking the site constantly. The new viewers can also watch the previous episodes on Webtoon and Naver.
The estimated date can be somewhere around 9th April 2022. You have to wait for the final announcement of the makers on this behalf. They are keeping the suspense to arouse more curiosity among the audience. The viewers can check out the further information online and schedule a great time for a great watch ahead.