Muneyuki Kaneshiro’s Blue Lock is a Japanese manga published in Kodansha’s Weekly Shonen Magazine since August 2018. When Japan’s national soccer team was knocked out in the World Cup quarterfinals, the Japan Football Association engaged a mysterious man named Ego Jinpachi to maximize Japan’s World Cup efficiency. He accepts the mission and begins training at the Blue Lock facility.
The Release Date For Blue Lock Chapter 169 Has Been Set!
He came up with the idea of giving 300 under-18 players intensive and brutal training, and the one who beats all the others will be the final champion. In this comic, the players improve their talents and compete with one another.
This is because only one player will be picked as Japan’s next national striker; the other 299 losers will not be able to play for Japan’s national football team.
What occurred in the previous episode?
The 168th chapter of Blue Lock begins with Lavinho conversing with Isagi about why he moved the ball to him. He stated that he had no intention of repaying him for this courtesy. Isagi remarked that none of them could have scored a goal independently.
Bechara approached them and told them that the goal was fantastic. He expressed his delight at the thought of playing with him as a striker at the same stage. Kaiser, Ness, and Noel approached him to express their delight at the victory.
Then, seemingly out of nowhere, the figure of Ego appeared. As he sipped his champagne, he congratulated the athletes on their splendid display of strength and talent.
He later revealed that these players would be chosen for the team through an auction, and it was meant to be the players’ annual salary. Yoichi Isagi has crowned the top player after submitting the highest winning bid of 17,000,000 Yen.
Blue Lock Chapter 169: Streaming Super Entertainment! Date of Publication
Once the matches have been completed, Ego will appear and explain to the players what the original aim of these contests was. The Blue Lock Bidding will start in the next episode, and Ego will reveal all players’ highest and lowest bids. Image has more options to choose from, as he won the auction.
Many players will compete for Isagi’s spot on the team after knowing that he has won the winning bid. As a result, Yoichi must use extreme caution in the forthcoming games. As a result, Blue Lock Chapter 169 will be released on April 6, 2022. As a result, all manga episodes will be available on the official Kodansha website.
We hope you like the information we shared on Blue Lock. This comic is packed with thrills and sporting adventures, but there is no team and no friendship. All of the players compete for themselves; they have only one objective: to be at the top of their sport and avoid being banned.