The magical story of the British franchise ‘Harry Potter and his close friends is well-known across the globe. Among them, the boy named Ron Weasley, one of the three protagonists in the movie series, is also one of the most famous and favorite movie characters worldwide.
The character of Ron was played by Rupert Grint, a British actor who currently resides in England. An interesting fact about Grint is that he once wished to be an ice cream seller and live a simple life, but he became one of the world’s most famous actors.
Rupert Grint Biography
Grint is famous mainly for his time working for the ‘Harry Potter franchise alongside Daniel Radcliffe and Emma Watson, both of whom also played critical roles in the franchise.
He is also famous for being his closest friend of Harry and popularly known for being Harry’s trusted partner in crime. Grint’s personality and character Ron could not have found a better match, as both have very similar desires and thoughts on life.
From the start, Grint was not a good fan of Schools and education. He hated going to school and studying, so he was quite a bad student. In later interviews, he would say that going to school was one of the most challenging tasks he had to do during his childhood.
Grint had a personal taste in theatres and was a big fan of some of the great names there.
Later on, Grint’s excellent taste in acting as well as a theatre would make him one of the best actors the world has ever seen.
Rupert Grint Childhood
Rupert Grint’s childhood story is nothing short of magic and adventure.
Grint came into this world in the Fall of 1988, in his hometown of Harlow, Essex, in the United Kingdom. During his childhood, he grew up in a quiet and well-mannered English household where he lived as the oldest child among his five other siblings.
From the beginning, young Grint had a taste for theatre and acting. He never liked studying in school and always wanted to live an adventurous life where he would explore and grow. Interestingly, he was also a great fan of the famous magic novel series ‘Harry Potter written by J.K. Rowling.
Grint always wanted to act in the movie adaptations of the novel series. Still, he never got a chance in the beginning.
Finally, when auditions for ‘Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone began in 2000, Grint created a master plan to impress the movie producers and get a spot in the movie.
He managed to create a video showing all his skills and how much he wanted to act as one of the main characters in the Harry Potter movie. Seeing Grint’s enthusiasm and talent, he was selected to play the role of ‘Ron Weasley.’ This was the turning point in the life of Rupert Grint as an actor.
Grint started to work for ‘The Harry Potter franchise at the age of eleven and later left his school at sixteen to become a full-time actor in the year 2005.
Rupert Grint Career Story
Grint started to work as an actor in ‘Harry Potter starting in the year 2000, where he managed to create a name for himself alongside many other famous actors and actresses.
Interestingly, ‘Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone was a globally hit movie that broke all records, becoming one of the highest-grossing movies of 2001. As a direct result, Grint got a head start in entertainment and acting. He would go on to act in all the upcoming ‘Harry Potter movies.
Rupert Grint Net Worth
As per the financial reports on Grint, he has a net worth of about 50 million dollars. Interestingly, most of his capital is spent in the real estate sector. He also has his real estate dealership named ‘Evil Plan Properties, which is also quite famous in Essex. He currently resides in his eighteenth-century mansion in the United Kingdom, where he lives a simple life.
Rupert Grint Personal Life
Rupert Grint is currently in a relationship with his long-time girlfriend’ Georgia Groome.‘ The duo has been together since 2011 and lives in their eighteenth-century mansion.
Rupert Grint Physical Features
Grint has a height of about five feet and eight-inch inches with an overall body weight of about 78kgs which is relatively healthy.
Awards received by Rupert Grint
Some of the awards and nominations received by Grint during his career as an actor include,
- Satellite Award in 2002.
- Otto Award in 2007.
- Best British Actor Award in 2011.
- 38th People’s Choice Award in 2012.
- WhatsOnStage Award in 2014.
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