Tom Mann, the X Factor star, has been receiving immense tributes to his wife Dani Hampson, 34, who tragically passed away. This heartbreaking thing happened on their wedding day. Tom, who is the part of the renowned band Stereo Kicks, where the show was on ITV, recently shared his hard time in a post on Instagram that the loving mother of his eight-month-old son has passed away.
Lewis Capaldi Leads Tributes For X Factor Star After Fiancée
The flooded support he receives after posting his feelings on Instagram shows his vast fan circle. The Scottish singer Lewis Capaldi’s hearty condolence was very quick. His famous pals now got in with full strength to offer heart-touching condolences with the singer’s writing showing his love for the brother Tom.
Nadine Coyle, the vocalist, commented on the same post shared by Tom. He shared all his love and deep support for brother X to overcome the current loss fast.
The pop star Mimi Webb too shared her feelings by sending her love for Tom Mann.
The star, Howard Donald, revealed his work experience with Dani, the mother of one. He wrote from his heart that the words couldn’t express the loss of one of the best dancers in wonderland who had suddenly passed away.
Dani was a super talented dancer who was really stunning in her steps. Donald even added that he feels to be really happy for saying that they worked together in sharing a stage to perform dancing. And he strongly believes the whole UK dance world will be in shock and saddened, just like the same feeling he is passing through.
Aaron Renfree, who is in S Club Juniors, shared a black and white image of Dani, who is holding her baby tight. The wordings written by him show how deeply he misses the dancer.
The post by Tom highlights his unconditional love towards his darling Dani. Tom still can’t believe or accept the fact that she’s gone forever. It seems that they were like best friends and loved each other more than anything else. He wrote that the love of his life has passed away on 18th June, Saturday morning.
He never forgot to share something about their baby son. He said that he had planned to raise their son alone in the loving memory of his mother, Dani. He is boosting himself to overcome the painful situation just to look over the little boy at his best.
Tom added that he cannot be a real substitute on behalf of Bowie’s mum but can surely raise their son just the same way they really wanted to. Tom will let his son know how amazing his mum was, and he promises to make Dani so proud of her.
Tom, 28, badly misses his wife, Dani, who was the brightest light in his life. He feels to be in the dark now after her unexpected loss. Dani was never reported with any health problems, and her cause of death is still unknown.
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